Institute Main Point

Education for Public Speaking

Presentational skills for corporate teams and individuals

Prvi korak
Step one – free consultation

Every group or individual should be approached differently – let’s first define Your goals and expectations

Before commencing work, we conduct an introductory conversation with a representative of the company whose employees will enroll the workshops, or with an individual who expressed interest, with the goal of concretely defining their need for professional training. During the conversation, we specify the trainees’ characteristics, their past experience in public speaking and presenting, based on which we create the exact work program adapted to specific goals. We accentuate those thematic sections that are crucial for trainees’ advancement, depending on whether their focus is sales, lecturing, conducting meetings, etc. 

Što je brzo, to je i kuso
Haste makes waste

Education for public speaking requires – consistency

Education for presentational skills and public speaking requires – consistency. The working process needs to last a certain time during which every trainee can get to practice all the segments of a complete and wholesome public appearance. In the beginning, we define and explain the essential elements and concepts. Then comes the part of facing the intrinsic habits. After that – incorporating new insights through discussing topics that constitute the trainees’ everyday professional activities. Only then do we create the conditions for achieving a real, complete result. Seminar-type education and one-day or two-day programs can only be partially useful, because there is not enough room to tackle the individual characteristics of each trainee. In such short-term training sessions, trainees are left wondering – What’s in it for me? Precisely for that reason, Main Point Institute develops comprehensive and individual-focused programs that take the time necessary for achieving complete results.

Praktične vežbe
Practical – audio and video exercises

The goal is to control the performance on a conscious level

Institute Main Point’s programs are designed as a distinct school for presentational skills and public speaking, so that everyone who enrolls can improve their public skills through video exercises and simulations, after they get familiarized with all the oratorical and presentational possibilities. Every trainee is directly pointed to those segments they should improve upon. The goal is to control the entire performance on a conscious level, leave a good impression and set oneself apart from the average, which is becoming omnipresent.

How to learn and improve public speaking? – Slobodan Roksandić • TANJUG. PERSONAL.

Kako se uči i unapređuje javni govor? - Slobodan Roksandić • TANJUG. LIČNO.


Business presentation skills course BizPoint is created for companies.


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Welcome to the school for diction, public speaking and presentational skills!

View our programs.


Javni nastup

Public speaking – online course

This course will teach you techniques for public speaking that will help you present your ideas clearly, convincingly and without fear and nervousness.
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Javni nastup


During one’s lifetime, a person will speak three times more than write.
Every day, men utter 30,000 words on average, whereas women utter 60,000 words! It’s been proven that those who work on their voice and speech are 10 TIMES MORE SUCCESSFUL in business and with other people than those who don’t develop their oratorical skills.
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Kurs prezentacijskih veština

BizPoint – Course for business presentation skills

It’s a great feeling when people remember what you talked about, right?
Science-based methods for diction and speech technique and communication, with lecturers who have so far worked with over 1500 public figures and individuals and 50+ Serbian and international companies.
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Koliko košta kurs BizPoint

Children and young adults – Verbal expression

Experts for public speaking have concluded that speech is learned and acquired best during childhood, and that’s the time to fully focus on it.
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We asked you

What would you like to master during our training sessions?

I would like to overcome my nervousness (I’m aware that it’s impossible for it to be gone completely, but to keep it under control), perfect creating a presentation, how to learn not to have my own thoughts pop up while speaking or someone’s behaviour in the audience distracting me. I speak too fast, and don’t know what to do with my hands while presenting.
Speak louder and more clearly, with more self confidence while presenting, and have more suggestive presentations… How to be more convincing in my presenting, so that what I say could leave an impression. Also, I don’t like public speaking, so it would mean a lot to be more relaxed and get to love the fact I need to present.
Leave a better impression with those I speak to, improve my negotiation skills, master the skills of controlling nervousness while presenting.
Less nervousness, accentuating (so I don’t sound monotonous). The ability to present my point with as few slides as possible.
Posture, diction, speaking clearly, without crutch words and big pauses, keeping listeners’ attention, interesting and attractively constructed presentations, convincingness, a clear message that I’m well familiar with the subject matter, to be remembered in good light. Also, it’s important to me, generally speaking, to upskill so that I could string successes negotiating with various people.
Mostly to overcome nervousness in huge auditoriums.
Overcoming nervousness, improving oratorical skills, diction, intonation, convincingness.
What I would like to learn is how to answer best those questions that I don’t know or that are uneasy. I would like to learn how to be spontaneous and relaxed in those moments.
Improve the way of presenting, have a clear focus and concise narration.
How to prepare for a good public speaking event (lecture, webinar) without learning the text by heart (in case I don’t have notes). Correct ways of expression, diction.
How to maintain the audience’s attention while presenting.
How to create a well-crafted presentation, and maybe a sort of chronology i.e. course of the presentation.
I would like to master new presentation skills, with the goal of clearer communication, a more direct conveyance of information and an attitude showing confidence to collocutors.

What our trainees say about us

The course has answered my needs. It helped me become aware of the weak points in my verbal and non-verbal communication, and gradually overcome them. It motivated me to continue nurturing my diction and public speaking skills. I’m extremely satisfied and grateful to Marko.


Jelena Jovanović


Marko and Slobodan have a very specific, dynamic and personalised approach to the training, which can be applied even with those people who have already gained experience in presenting. Getting familiar with the techniques of verbal expression and articulation, with practical advice on how to apply and perfect them, is one of the most striking impressions from the training, because it open up a whole new perspective of public speaking and presenting, and it’s something that’s usually neglected in other trainings of this kind. With the other section, based on non-verbal communication and concrete suggestions on how each trainee can improve their own style, the training ties up the subject of public speaking, and the results are applicable in both private and business settings.


Lazar Deretic

Solution architect

First of all, it’s a great privilege to have a mentor and teacher in such a professional as Marko. The method, enthusiasm and professionalism with which he approaches are “out of this planet”. Perfecting the skills and class with him – it’s as if I had the chance to perfect my tennis skills with Novak Djokovic and Roger Federer.


Goran Djokic

Key Account/Distributor Manager

Thanks to your course, I learned how to correctly accentuate certain words, I got free of nervousness during public speaking and trained myself to breathe properly while speaking. Slobodan is an excellent teacher and I would recommend to everyone in any way involved in public speaking to sign up.


Mirjana Djordjevic


When I found out that my testimony in court will decide whether or not I win the case on which my life depended, I was determined to prepare for that public appearance as best as I could. Recommended by my son, who attended a course in diction at the Main Point Institute, I made the decision to ask for professional assistance. During training classes, I got more than useful advice on how to present what I want in a suggestive way, clearly and resolutely. I’m just going to say – the favorable court decision I got stated that the determining factor behind it was my testimony, which was characterized as reasonable, logical and impressive. Now I tell everyone that in the vicinity of the Arena in New Belgrade, there is a place where to can learn to say most effectively what you care about.


Dragana Aleksic


I believe this is a unique opportunity for young professionals who want to improve not just in their careers but personally as well. 

Saying that I’m more than satisfied with the approach and organizing the workshops by Slobodan, Marko and Pavle is an understatement. What I appreciate is the seriousness in work and commitment to each trainee. I wish lots of success in further work, and you will always have my honest recommendation for your workshops.


Varvara Aleksic

Master of Laws in European Integrations

My initial days in Main Point Institute were a sad sight. Great motivation and a desire to do the job I love, but an ever greater block. I was running away from the camera during the training itself, and the thought of entering a TV studio was mission impossible. Little by little, and I made it, but only thanks to immense persistence and support of Slobodan Roksandic. I thank him for believing in me. Nervousness is still there, but more as an internal sensation. It’s really possible to desensibilitate yourself. Today I manage to be on top form even during live-broadcast programs. Although nervousness was my biggest problem, I learned other useful skills: I breathe in a more proper way, I control my clutch words, I improve my non-verbal expressivity and most importantly – I say what I want properly and memorably. Thank you to the wonderful people from Main Point Institute for not letting me give up for enabling me to have this win in life.


Slavica Lazic Vuksanovic

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Dikcija - Slobodan Roksandić
Tehnogram | Kultura govora
Javni nastup - Slobodan Roksandić

Get in touch with us

    Frequently Asked Questions

    • We’re interested in organizing a training of presentational skills for a group of our employees, what’s the first step?

      The first step is a short (online) meeting, so that we could define the number of trainees, their experience in presenting, so that we pinpoint specific goals in relation to your core activity (sales, teaching, negotiating, meetings, etc.). After that we send you a personalized offer for your employees. If you agree with the offer, trainees fill out a short survey and we begin the trainings.

    • Is there an advanced level of training?

      After the regular course, many trainees decide to enroll at the advanced level i.e. additional individual work, which involves general rehearsals of their actual public speakings in public – conducting meetings, holding lectures, presenting business reports in a company, presenting a project, being a guest in the media, etc. The general rehearsal is being video-recorded and then analyzed in detail. A trainee thus gets the necessary dose of self-confidence, because when the time comes to talk at a social event in a real-time situation they will feel safe since many things are familiar to them, because the preparation for public speaking was properly done.

    • Can oratorical skills be taught or do we need to be born that way?

      Of course, it is best when oratorical talent and permanent development of that talent are united. However, it is very important to know – public speaking can be practiced, and presentational skills can be significantly improved through practice! That should be encouraging information for everyone. There are numerous examples around us confirming that an average speaker can become exceptional through practice and good training, leave a strong impression, make an effect on others and appear convincing when in front of an audience. Let’s remember the famous Demosthenes who worked on his improvement permanently. It’s known that he practiced by shouting louder than the sea waves, in order to improve his volume and the intensity of his speech. Practice and hard work contributed to him being considered even to this very day, after almost 2,500 thousand years, as one of the most important orators in human civilization!

    • Can a person overcome nervousenss and stage fright?

      The answer is not that simple. It takes a lot of work and effort – learn all that belongs to public speaking techniques, all that contributes to an oratorical expression having dictional variety and convincingness; learn how to control your body during public speaking; how to align your posture and gestures with the topic; find a good reason to speak in public, which will strengthen your self-confidence and lessen the fear of public speaking, read on the subject (Amy Cady, Brian Little, Irwin Yallome, Victor Frankle and others). Facing nervousness can significantly be helped by exercises for proper ortho-abdominal breathing, visualization and self-encouragement. A wholesome approach is needed. Precisely for this reason, for all its trainees Main Point conducts regular group sessions with Dr. Milica Ristic, psychiatrist and psychotherapist that has several decades of experience in communication training.

    • Can an online approach be equally effective as direct, in-person trainings?

      In the previous eight years there have been many people who successfully completed our courses via online platforms (in Nis, Kragujevac, Subotica, Banjaluka, Brussels, Frankfurt, Prague, Canada, America, etc.). As anywhere else, online communication has its pros and cons. It enables easy access to anyone and participation from their own space, which guarantees comfort. On the other hand, the level of interaction is lower, which cannot be compensated in various creative ways.

    • How many trainees are there in a group?

      We conduct group trainings according to the requirements of a specific company/organisation. Before the start, we run detailed consultations to determine all the specifics, sections of the program, trainees’ level of knowledge, topics they discuss in front of an audience. One company – one group. The idea is to keep groups small, so that we could address everyone with a personalised approach. If a company is interested in a larger number of employees, we usually suggest that everyone be together during initial classes, after which we split into smaller groups for more effective practicing of presentational skills.

      We conduct open group trainings in collaboration with Skillup education, they are online trainings in groups of up to six attendees.

    • Is it possible to conduct an introductory lecture/webinar for a larger number of employees as a sort of initial lecture?

      So far, practice has shown it’s very effective to have a larger number of employees in a company or an organisation attend a webinar (90 minutes) on a chosen subject (presentational skills, public skills, diction, speaking in the media, storytelling). After that, a number of employees, that usually go out in public, attend detailed trainings with practical exercises.

    • How to achieve interaction during a presentation in an online space?

      An important segment of the presentational course are the specifics of online presenting. It’s a fact that the level of interaction is lower in the online space, and it’s necessary to compensate for that with different creative techniques and mechanisms. 

      First, it’s necessary to position your computer screen and acquire all the required equipment and a stable connection. During presenting, it’s recommended to attain a proactive approach toward the audience, if the context so allows, and advised to encourage communication (quizzes, surveys, quick questionnaires, chat). It’s not advisable to have the slide over the screen all the time and the speaker in the lower right-hand corner. Ask all participants and listeners to turn on their cameras, to establish a better connection.